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MEL Scripts
Layer Grouper v0.1
A workflow enhancement that allows you to show or hide layers based
on their color code. For example, I like to have separate layers for
the proxy geometry and high resolution geometry for each of the characters
in my scene. Using this script, I can quickly toggle between the hi-res
and proxy geometry for all of the characters in my scene.
Toggle X-Ray shading mode
This is not really a mel-script, but still a handy workflow improvement.
By linking this code to the hotkey 'Alt-X' you can quickly toggle
between normal and X-ray shading. This code is by Luis Cataldi, one
of my 3D teachers.
Maya Models
A simple polygonal truck model used in the background of Wild Cinema.
No textures included. Maya ASCII, 621KB.
Bush Baby Skeleton
Bush baby skeleton from Wild Cinema with proxy geometry. No facial
expressions, fur, or deformable skin. Maya ASCII, 1.15 MB.
Portable record player
This is a portable record player similar to this
Victrola model from the 1920's. Modeled in polygons without textures.
Maya ASCII, 500KB.
All texture images are TIFFs. |
Utilities / Miscellaneous
This Perl Script descends recursively through a Unix directory and
builds an HTML index page of all of the files it finds. I developed
this script for use with the Washington Square News Web site. Very
simple script but conceivably useful elsewhere.
A simple recursive text search shell script for UNIX It takes two
arguments, a search string (the word or pattern you want to find)
and a path to the files you want to search.