render fast! more pictures?!
april / may 2002

More boring snapshots of life as I know it.

4.15 4:54 pm
Rich Song, Matt, Mike, and Eric at the First Run Wasserman Awards ceremony.
4.15 9:11 pm
Matt and Chris posing it up.
4.15 10:40 pm
Eric and Anita.
4.15 10:45 pm
Ohh yeah.
In late April we hiked up Breakneck ridge in the Hudson Highlands. Awesome trip. Matt with The River.
Matt levitating. Yeehaw.
5.4 1:24 pm
Yankees vs. Mariners. Yankees lost.
5.4 1:44 pm
More baseball.
5.4 2:44 pm
R to L: Brandt Gassman, Ted Mann, Mike Amon, Yusef Robb (with beard).
5.4 2:44 pm
Ted Mann.
5.8 11:16 pm
Miguel at Matt Semel's birthday-bowl at Chelsea Piers.
5.8 11:16 pm
Birthday, yippee!
5.8 11:24 pm
The usual suspects.
5.21 7:25 pm
I'm leaving Sunnyside for Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This is how I'd like to remember my 7 train commute.
5.21 7:31 pm
Ah, Sunnyside.
5.22 6:53 pm
The New York Public Library.
5.26 5:35 pm
Memorial Day Party at Mike's in Hoboken. That's Mike Melamedoff in the center.
5.26 5:35 pm
Mike and Sarah.
5.27 5:53 pm
Back to the Hudson Highlands.